Chemistry is everything... a message which redraws
the boundaries of chemistry, making it “creative”.
A metaphor for our modus operandi, a symbolic message
that defines our objectives and our “good” intentions
in relation to chemistry and the subsequent methods
and criteria for its use.
A sweeping vision which takes into account
all variables and all potential scenarios
so as to achieve only and exclusively original
and innovative results.
Our company is organised into two distinct
business units.
Supported by advanced equipment and systems,
the industrial business unit includes R&D, production,
logistics and warehouses.
A wide production range, highly specific knowhow
and an extremely specialised technical-scientific staff
who move in a technologically cutting-edge area,
managing to combine the needs of R&D
with success of the product.
The commercial business unit in Milan includes
the marketing and communication, regulatory
and sales divisions for Italy and abroad.